A Place For Everyone Fund

A Place for Everyone Fund

We believe in the transformative power of the arts and think that everyone has the right to experience theatre and participate in creative activity.

A Place for Everyone opens up the theatre to audiences, practitioners and performers, regardless of social, physical or economic barriers. Since the fund's launch in February 2019, £66,000 has been raised from donations from individuals, businesses and charitable trusts.

To date, £67,000 has been spent and hundreds of people have benefited through the scheme. For many, particularly children and young people, it was their first theatre experience.

How to support and participate

To support A Place for Everyone, donate when buying tickets through our box office or online, or contact hippodrome.boxoffice@darlington.gov.uk

If you're involved with a group which would benefit from the scheme, contact hippolearning@darlington.gov.uk


The Darlington Hippodrome Foundation (registered charity number 1047625) is a charitable fund we hold with Point North. It was set up for the secure holding of donations and so that the theatre can benefit from Point North's guidance and support on our fundraising activities.

All donations are administered by Point North who manage the Darlington Hippodrome Fund on our behalf.  Find out more about the work of Point North.

Case study: Blue Cabin and Darlington Virtual School

Blue Cabin and Darlington Virtual School are working together to provide creative opportunities for care-experienced children and young people and the adults in their lives.

In August they came together to deliver a creative day that involved seeing A Tiger who Came to Tea and working in partnership with Blue Cabin's Associate Artists, Alison McGowan and Ruth Johnson, who delivered tiger puppet making workshops and helped children bring their puppets to life.

Through the A Place for Everyone fund, Darlington Hippodrome was able to provide their tickets at no cost. Lucy Ridley, Blue Cabin Associate, said:

"The opportunity to visit the Hippodrome and watch A Tiger who Came to Tea has been a wonderful first cultural experience for many of the children and adults in our group. We laughed and giggled together as the book came to life on stage and left the theatre ready for our packed lunch after watching the tiger consume so much food!

“For me it is important to connect local care-experienced children and the adults in their lives to the cultural offer in Darlington, removing barriers and making people feel welcomed in a creative space.

“A huge thank you to anyone that has donated to a Place for Everyone and all the wonderful staff at the Hippodrome who made us feel very welcome!"

Case Study: Darlington Assistance for Refugees

In 2019 our A Place for Everyone fund made it possible for refugee and asylum seeker families to attend a performance of our pantomime Jack and Beanstalk.

This was a valuable experience for all involved. Alison Holland from Darlington Assistance for Refugees (DAR) said:

"The visit to Darlington Hippodrome was a real success with parents and children alike! For many of them, it was the first time they had been in a theatre. They loved the performance - the music, the dancing, the scenery, the costumes, the atmosphere. It was especially rewarding to see the children laughing and joining in the noise...

Pantomime is such a distinctive aspect of British culture. Attending this performance has definitely provided new insights for the families and promoted their integration, as well as enhancing their self-confidence. Of course, it was also a chance to develop their language skills and I am sure they will always remember how to say 'Oh yes it is!'"

Some of the children sent in messages and drawings to express their appreciation: